Resources on this page are suitable for study of Viewport VI in Experiencing Music Technology, 4th Edition.
Manuals, Guides, Tutorials
Scorewriter Manuals and Introductory Guides/Videos Focused on Note Entry
- Dorico: Manual | Intro Tutorial | Demo
- Finale: Manual | Intro Tutorial | Demo
- MuseScore: Manual | Intro Tutorial | Full Free Version | Semi-Realtime MIDI Demo (YouTube by Peter Jonas)
- Noteflight: Manual | Intro Tutorial | Demo
- Notion: Manual | Intro Tutorial
- Sibelius: Manual | Intro Tutorial | Demo [See instructions, similar to Notion procedure for demo]
Other Music Notation Resources of Interest
- Jenni Brandon’s Works in Progress YouTube tutorials for aspiring composers
- History of Music Notation
- Classic FM: How Did Music Notation Actually Begin
- A Short History of Musical Notation with generous links and videos to explore (by Jim Paterson)
- Wikipedia: Musical Notation
- Computer History Museum: Rediscovering “Mockingbird—A Composer’s Amanuen-sis” (by Chris Garcia)
- MusicXML and Other Notation Coding Systems
- Numerous links to MusicXML score files on the internet (from MakeMusic)
- Notation Basics in MusicXML
- The MIT Press (2001): The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, Restoration. Table of Contents with links to abstracts from Computing in Musicology 12. Each abstract contains a wealth of links related to computer notation resources.
- Guido Music Notation
- The MuseData Representation of Musical Information (by Walter B Hewlett) from Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes
- Humdrum Toolkit
- Standard Music Font Layout (SMuFL) (Steinberg Media Technologies)
- List of 1000 Music Fonts ( Music Solutions)
- Printing Professional Quality Music
- Music Preparation Guidelines for Composers (by the Mostly Modern Festival)
- Special papers for printing scores: The Paper Mill Store and Paperworks
- Tom's Guide: Inkjet vs Laser: Which printer is right for you? (by Brian Westover)
- Chilliprinting: TrueType vs PostScript Fonts: Which is Better When it Comes to Print?
Software Applications Tutorials for Scorewriters
- Dorico
- Dorico Playlist (YouTube Channel, several hours)
- Dorico Pro 3 Basics with John McKinnnon, (YouTube, 35 minutes)
- Sym.poly.mathesy: MusicXML and Percussion Notation--Digging into How Dorico and StaffPad Represent Percussion Differently (by Chris Krycho)
- Finale
- Creative Measures Finale Training (YouTube, 60 minutes)
- Finale Tutorials (written resources from Finale)
- Finale 2014 Essential Training with Rick Schmunk (LinkedIn Learning, 8 hours, 14 minutes)
- What's New in Finale 27 YouTube (44min)
- MuseScore
- Tutorials and Handbook for MuseScore 3 (written resources from MuseScore)
- Basic Tutorial (YouTube)
- MuseScore 3.6 YouTube (4 min)
- Noteflight
- Using Noteflight (written resources from Noteflight)
- Noteflight Learn
- Noteflight Learn (YouTube, 1 hour, 4 minutes)
- Notion
- Notion Tutorial for Beginners (YouTube)
- Introduction to Notion and Notion for iPad (YouTube)
- Notion 6 Review (YouTube)
- Notion by PreSonus Tutorial (series from PreSonus, YouTube, 2 hours, 15 minutes)
- Producing Sheet Music in Notion: Produce Sheet Music Fast (from PreSonus)
- Notion Mobile
- Notion for iPad: Review & Tutorial (YouTube)
- How to Make Orchestral Music on and iPad: Notion for iOS Tutorial (YouTube)
- PreSonus Help Videos (videos from PreSonus about Notion for iPad)
- Sibelius
- Getting Started with Sibelius (YouTube)
- Notation Software, Sibelius Basics (YouTube)
- Tutorials: Getting Started (videos from Avid)
- Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: The Basics with Jenny Amaya (LinkedIn Learning, (8 hours, 16 minutes)
- Sibelius Ultimate 2019 Essential Training: The Beyond theBasics with Jenny Amaya (LinkedIn Learning, (7 hours, 28 minutes)
Software Application Tutorials for Handwritten Notation Recognition
- Notion fMobile
- Notion for iPad: Review & Tutorial (YouTube)
- How to Make Orchestral Music on and iPad: Notion for iOS Tutorial (YouTube)
- PreSonus Help Videos (videos from PreSonus about Notion for iPad)
- StaffPad
- StaffPad and Reader for iPad review (YouTube)
- StaffPad Review (YouTube)
- StaffPad Help (written resources from StaffPad)
- An Evening with StaffPad (YouTube, 3 hours. 19 minutes
- Notate Me/Notate Me Now
- NotateMe iPad App Review (YouTube)
- NotateMeNow Lesson Sequence (YouTube)
- User Manual
- Symphony Pro
- Symphony Pro 5 Review (YouTube)
Software Application Tutorials for Optical and Audio Scanning
- AudioScore
- PhotoScore
- Photoscore Lite Ultimate (YouTube)
- Music Scanning Software Demystified (YouTube)
- User Manual
- Smartscore
- Smartscore 64 (YouTube)
- Chorister’s Dream (YouTube)
- Convert PDF to SmartScore (YouTube)
- User Manual
- ScanScore
- What’s New in ScanScore2 (YouTube)
- User Manual
- PlayScore
- PlayScore (YouTube, collected set of videos)
- How to Use PlayScore
Software Application Tutorials for Digital Music Readers
- forScore
- forScore User Guides
- iPad Pro and forScore (YouTube, 37 minutes)
- forScore Layers (YouTube)
- forScore for Singers (YouTube)
- Newzik
- Basics of Newzik (YouTube, webinar from Newzik, 45 minutes)
- Newzik (YouTube, Newzik Channel)
- A Musical Life: Interview between Hugh Sung and Aurelia Azoulay from Newzik, (YouTube,50 minutes)
- TomPlay
- TomPlay Sheet Music App Full Walk-Through (YouTube)
- TomPlay (YouTube, TomPlay Channel)
- Others
- Piascore (iOS & iPadOS)
- nKoda (iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, Windows)
- Orpheus (Android)
- MobileSheets Pro (Android)
Exemplar Scorewriters
- Steinberg: Dorico (macOS & Windows); Dorico Features
- MakeMusic: Finale (macOS & Windows); Finale Features
- MuseScore: MuseScore (macOS, Windows, Linux, and Chromebooks with Linux Virtual Machine Crostini); MuseScore Features
- PreSonus Notion and Notion Mobile (macOS & Windows, iOS & iPadOS & Android for mobile); Notion Features
- Avid Sibelius (macOS & Windows); Sibelius Features
- Noteflight (web-based); Noteflight Features
Other Scorewriters for Consideration
- Flat (web-based); Flat Features
- Denemo (macOS/Windows/GNULinux)
- DoReMIR Music Research: ScoreCloud (macOS/Windows)
- Sonic Scores:Overture (macOS & Windows)
- Improv-Visor (macOS/Windows/Linux)
- Software Partner: Cappella (macOS & Windows)
Scorewriters with Handwritten Notation Recognition
- StaffPad (iPadOS & Windows)
- Neuratron: Notate Me/Notate Me Now (iOS, iPadOS, Android)
- Xeon Labs: Symphony Pro (iOS, iPadOS)
- Komp (iOS, iPadOS)
- Mona Lisa Sound: MusicJOT (iOS, iPadOS)
- Kawai Musical Instruments: Touch Notation (iOS, iPadOS)
Optical and Audio Music Scanning Software
- Neuratron: AudioScore and PhotoScore & NotateMe (macOS & Windows)
- Musitek: SmartScore X2 (macOS & Windows)
- ScanScore (Windows)
- PlayScore 2 (iOS, iPadOS, Android)
Other Notation Resources
- Sound Samples: Philharmonia:
- ScoreExchange:
- ScoreCloud:
- Avid Link:
- Virtual Keyboards: Bome Mouse Keyboard (Windows) | Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard (VMPK) (macOS, Windows, Linux)
- Numeric Keypads: Selection of Wired and Wireless Numeric Keypads
- MIDI Keyboard Controllers: Top 10 Best Mini MIDI Keyboard Controllers in 2020 (by Team Techsounded)
- Footpedals: Selection of Keyboard Pedals and Footswitches
- Page Turners: iRig BlueTurn | PageFlip PowerFly | AirTurn DUO 500
- Tablet Holder: MANOS and iKlip Xpand | Best Tablet Holder for Mic Stand and On-Stage Performances (by Chad Smith)
- Scanners: 6 Best Flatbed Scanners Under $500 in 2020 (by Cardmunch)
- Printers
- Selection of Multipurpose Inkjet Printers | Laser Printers
- Multipurpose Inkjet: Brother MFCJ5945DW manuals etc.
- Laser: Canon imageCLASS LBP612CDW manuals etc.