Welcome to our home on the Web for information, resources, and the like from the team of Peter Webster and David Williams, a website dedicated to music teaching and learning through technology.
Feel free to browse and take advantage of the offerings we've provided here. You will find:
- Presentations from various David & Peter conferences and workshops.
- Table of Contents and Selected Portions of the Preface for the new 4th Edition of our textbook, Experiencing Music Technology (© 2023) Oxford University Press
- An extensive, frequently undated collection of resources on the web we find useful for music production and music teaching/learning including extensive tutorial videos from YouTube among others. The following sections support the Viewports found in Experiencing Music Technology. 4th edition:
- And, a bit about our backgrounds.
Feel free to use the contact information on the About Us page.
Peter R. Webster, BS, MM, PhD (Music Teaching and Learning Scholar; Emeritus Professor, Northwestern University)
David Brian Williams, BMEd, MM, PhD (Illinois State University Emeritus)